The Great

Tahitian (3rd) Honeymoon

August / September 1999

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Another 'Stingray'.
One very happy lady.
Looking up, some nice clouds and sky.
Here I am, off waving in the distance.
Another beautiful view of the Moorea outlands.
Waiting for the wedding to start.

(The groom is in the boat behind Alicia, wearing a big headdress.  Click the image to get a better view.)

The wedding (expnsive, and not official) is underway.

Quite nice!

Just outside the hotel main lobby on Moorea.

This isn't Bora-Bora, but it still is nice!

Life on Moorea -- we'll take it!
Palm trees against the afternoon sky.
The view from our hotel.
Alicia sets of another 'Morticia' chair quite nicely!

This one is in the Moorea lobby.

Another nice drink for us waiting for the show to start.
Here we are -- happy again..
Another view.  This one is basically from our bungalow's front door.
The Moorea hotel even has a dolphin pool.  Can you see this one jump?  (If not, click the image for an enlargement.)
Look closely at the "no bicycling" sign (click the image).

Boy, that guy is working up a sweat!

Alicia with another Fan Palm "hat".
Crabs were EVERYWHERE (except on the menu, where we never saw them).

These two came out of our hole and approached us -- the are as big as my foot!

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