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Helios Project

Helios is a microcontroller-equipped bottle rocket. The microcontroller sits atop a bottle rocket and deploys a parachute at the rocket's apogee. In addition, it also records flight data from its on-board barometer. Version 1 of Helios is complete and works as the proof-of-concept it was intended to be. The next rocket in this series to be constructed will be Helios II. It will have the goal of reaching greater heights, as well as have more reliable deployment through hardware improvements. After that, work will begin on the Icarus series of rockets, which will be capable of ejecting a payload at apogee. Below are a progress report and final demo that were with this first iteration of the rocket.

Helios Demo

Helios Progress Report


Procedural Gen

Procedural Gen is a collection of programs I wrote as a part of a research project for a higher-level mathematics course. In it, I wrote short implementations using the Mandelbrot set, Cellular Automata, the Diamond-Square algorithm, and erosion algorithms. One of the erosion algorithms I used, a raindrop algorithm, I could only find discussed in theory and as far as I can tell, I'm the first person to implement it and make the source code available online. Below are a couple sample outputs after an initial height map generated by the Diamond-Square algorithm and after going through several thousand passes of a raindrop and soil-filling algorithms.

View on Github

Procedural Gen Screenshot 1 Procedural Gen Screenshot 2

L5R Stats

L5R Stats is a program that takes in a Legend of the Five Rings decklist and outputs all the stats that are needed for deckbuilding, including: Counts of each type of card, chances to start with each type of card both in hand and in province, and the distribution of all stats across cards.

Download L5R Stats


Danger Noodle

Colors is a game made for Global Game Jam 2017 where players run around an arena firing dangerous noodles at eachother. Plug in your controllers, run the DangerNoodle.exe, give a prayer to the machine gods, and then have fun. Controls: - Left Stick to move- - Right Stick to aim- - Right Trigger to shoot- - Hold Right Trigger to charge your shot for longer noodles- - Start button to quit. Built for windows only.

Download Danger Noodle

View on Global Game Jam site (Old Build)

View on Github

Danger Noodle Screenshot 1 Danger Noodle Screenshot 2


Colors is a two or three player local multiplayer game in which you are pitted against your friends in a struggle to guide your ball through the hoop while your friends do the same. This game is an attempt to find the core aspects that make multiplayer games fun with as little other stuff as possible; an experiment in game minimalism.

Download Colors for Linux

Download Colors for Linux

Download Colors for Linux

Colors Screenshot 2 Colors Gen Screenshot 2

A Flight From The Abyss

This game places you in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Scavenge through the town and try to survive as you avoid zombies and try to keep from starving or dying of thirst. You need to be resourceful as you travel through this world, gathering gold coins so that you might leave through the portal. Good luck.

Download Flight From The Abyss

FFTA Screenshot 1


A game that sets you as a man trying to get into retirement through a long series of blackjack games. Will he succeed? Or will he miserably fail and fall into massive debt? YOU DECIDE! Tested on Windows 7, 8, and 10, might work on Macs too, but I promise nothing. Make sure you have Java installed.

Download Blackjack

Blackjack Screenshot 1 Blackjack Screenshot 2