Las Cumbres (K6FB) member web pages
LCARC is a great group of people who (in addition to other good stuff)
maintain two wide-area linked repeaters in the South San Francisco Bay Area.
I have been past Board member and former newsletter editor for the group.
I am currently the Sysop for the packet system.

Bicycles and Ham Radio DO mix!
BMHA is an excellent organization founded by Hartley Alley, NA0A. I am
the "Assistant Newsletter Editor" (sometimes reported as the
"Associate" newsletter editor). In any event, Hartley does all of the
work, and I get some of the credit. Not a bad deal!
My article in the
April 1998 edition of CQ-VHF !
TRAC maintains a fine low-level 70cm repeater in Cupertino. A better
group of people cannot be found.
I am an associate member of the group. Full membership is restricted
to Tandem/Compaq employees, so I don't qualify.
These are all good organizations which are worthy of your support.
Get you own Ham Radio web page and E-Mail address.
A good magazine with a balanced view and 'down-home' feel.
More Sites to visit
[ My Personal Page (which includes
other interests) ]
This page has been visited times since January 1999
This page was last updated on Saturday, April 07, 2001